Top 10 Use Cases for State Machines

Are you tired of writing complex code to handle state transitions in your applications? Do you want to simplify your code and make it more maintainable? If so, state machines might be the solution you're looking for!

State machines are a powerful tool for modeling complex systems and handling state transitions in a clear and concise way. They can be used in a wide range of applications, from simple user interfaces to complex distributed systems.

In this article, we'll explore the top 10 use cases for state machines and show you how they can help you build better software.

1. User Interfaces

One of the most common use cases for state machines is in user interfaces. State machines can be used to model the different states of a user interface, such as a login screen or a checkout process.

For example, a login screen might have two states: "logged out" and "logged in". When the user enters their credentials and clicks "login", the state machine transitions from the "logged out" state to the "logged in" state.

Using a state machine to model user interfaces can make your code more modular and easier to maintain. It also makes it easier to handle complex user interactions, such as multi-step forms or wizard-style interfaces.

2. Game Development

State machines are also commonly used in game development. They can be used to model the different states of a game, such as "playing", "paused", or "game over".

For example, when the player completes a level in a game, the state machine transitions from the "playing" state to the "level complete" state. This can trigger a variety of actions, such as displaying a score screen or unlocking new levels.

Using a state machine to model game states can make your code more organized and easier to understand. It also makes it easier to add new features and game mechanics, as you can simply add new states and transitions to the state machine.

3. Workflow Management

State machines are also useful for managing workflows in business applications. They can be used to model the different states of a workflow, such as "pending approval", "approved", or "rejected".

For example, when an employee submits a request for time off, the state machine transitions from the "pending approval" state to the "approved" or "rejected" state, depending on the decision of the manager.

Using a state machine to model workflows can make your code more maintainable and easier to modify. It also makes it easier to track the progress of workflows and identify bottlenecks or issues.

4. Robotics

State machines are also commonly used in robotics applications. They can be used to model the different states of a robot, such as "idle", "moving", or "performing a task".

For example, when a robot receives a command to move to a new location, the state machine transitions from the "idle" state to the "moving" state. Once the robot reaches its destination, the state machine transitions back to the "idle" state.

Using a state machine to model robot states can make your code more modular and easier to test. It also makes it easier to handle complex robot behaviors, such as obstacle avoidance or path planning.

5. Networking

State machines are also useful for modeling network protocols and handling network events. They can be used to model the different states of a network connection, such as "connected", "disconnected", or "error".

For example, when a client connects to a server, the state machine transitions from the "disconnected" state to the "connected" state. If there is an error during the connection process, the state machine transitions to the "error" state.

Using a state machine to model network protocols can make your code more robust and easier to debug. It also makes it easier to handle complex network interactions, such as retries or timeouts.

6. Embedded Systems

State machines are also commonly used in embedded systems, such as microcontrollers or IoT devices. They can be used to model the different states of a system, such as "booting up", "running", or "shutting down".

For example, when an IoT device starts up, the state machine transitions from the "booting up" state to the "running" state. When the device is shut down, the state machine transitions to the "shutting down" state.

Using a state machine to model embedded systems can make your code more efficient and easier to maintain. It also makes it easier to handle complex system behaviors, such as power management or sensor readings.

7. Financial Applications

State machines are also useful for modeling financial applications, such as trading systems or payment processing. They can be used to model the different states of a financial transaction, such as "pending", "approved", or "rejected".

For example, when a customer submits a payment, the state machine transitions from the "pending" state to the "approved" or "rejected" state, depending on the outcome of the transaction.

Using a state machine to model financial transactions can make your code more secure and easier to audit. It also makes it easier to handle complex financial interactions, such as refunds or chargebacks.

8. Compiler Design

State machines are also commonly used in compiler design. They can be used to model the different states of a compiler, such as "lexing", "parsing", or "code generation".

For example, when a compiler processes a source file, the state machine transitions from the "lexing" state to the "parsing" state. Once the source code has been parsed, the state machine transitions to the "code generation" state.

Using a state machine to model compilers can make your code more modular and easier to test. It also makes it easier to handle complex language features, such as nested expressions or control flow statements.

9. Artificial Intelligence

State machines are also useful for modeling artificial intelligence systems, such as chatbots or game AI. They can be used to model the different states of an AI system, such as "listening", "thinking", or "responding".

For example, when a chatbot receives a message from a user, the state machine transitions from the "listening" state to the "thinking" state. Once the chatbot has generated a response, the state machine transitions to the "responding" state.

Using a state machine to model AI systems can make your code more modular and easier to understand. It also makes it easier to handle complex AI behaviors, such as natural language processing or decision making.

10. Distributed Systems

State machines are also commonly used in distributed systems, such as blockchain or cloud computing. They can be used to model the different states of a distributed system, such as "syncing", "processing", or "idle".

For example, when a node in a blockchain network receives a new block, the state machine transitions from the "syncing" state to the "processing" state. Once the block has been processed, the state machine transitions back to the "syncing" state.

Using a state machine to model distributed systems can make your code more scalable and easier to maintain. It also makes it easier to handle complex system behaviors, such as consensus algorithms or fault tolerance.


State machines are a powerful tool for modeling complex systems and handling state transitions in a clear and concise way. They can be used in a wide range of applications, from simple user interfaces to complex distributed systems.

In this article, we've explored the top 10 use cases for state machines and shown you how they can help you build better software. Whether you're building a game, a business application, or an AI system, state machines can help you simplify your code and make it more maintainable.

So why not give state machines a try in your next project? You might be surprised at how much easier they make your life as a developer!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed