The Basics of State Machines: What They Are and How They Work

Are you a software developer or a computer science enthusiast looking to step up your game? Are you interested in learning about the basics of state machines and how they can change the way you design and build software? Then you've come to the right place!

In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of state machines, the key components that make them work, and the benefits they offer to developers looking to create more efficient and robust software. So, let's get started!

What is a state machine?

At its core, a state machine is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a system over time. It consists of a finite set of states, a set of input events that trigger state transitions, and a set of actions that are performed in response to those events.

In simpler terms, a state machine can be thought of as an abstract machine that moves between different states or modes of operation based on the input it receives. These states can be thought of as the different modes of operation that the machine can be in, such as "idle," "active," "paused," etc.

How do state machines work?

To understand how state machines work, let's break down the three key components mentioned above: states, transitions, and actions.


A state is simply a condition or mode of operation that a system can be in. For example, if we were building a player for a music application, some possible states might be "playing," "paused," "stopped," or "buffering." Each state has a specific set of behaviors associated with it, which can be defined by the developer.


Transitions are the rules that determine how a system moves from one state to another. They are triggered by input events, which can be anything from a button press to a network request. When the input event occurs, the state machine determines which transition to take based on the current state and the input event.

For example, if our music player is currently in the "playing" state and the user presses the "pause" button, the state machine will transition from "playing" to "paused."


Actions are the behaviors that are executed when a state transition occurs. They can be anything from changing the display on a screen to sending a message over a network. Each state transition can have one or more associated actions.

For example, when the music player transitions from "playing" to "paused," the action might be to pause the audio stream.

Why use state machines?

Now that we understand the basics of state machines, let's explore some of the benefits they offer.

Improved clarity and maintainability

State machines offer a clear and concise way to model the behavior of a system. By breaking down the system into a finite set of states and transitions, developers can more easily understand how the system works and what changes are occurring at each step.

This clarity also makes the system more maintainable. As the system becomes more complex, it can be difficult to track all of the different possible states and transitions. By using a state machine, developers can easily see what is happening at each step and make changes as needed.

Increased flexibility and extensibility

State machines also offer increased flexibility and extensibility. By breaking down the system into states and transitions, new behaviors and features can be added without affecting the existing code. This makes it easier to build complex systems that can be modified and extended over time.

Improved error handling

Finally, state machines can improve error handling. By explicitly defining the possible states and input events, developers can more easily detect and handle errors that may occur during runtime. This can make the system more resilient and less prone to errors.

Examples of state machines in action

To truly understand the power of state machines, let's look at some examples of them in action.

Traffic light

One classic example of a state machine is the traffic light. A traffic light has three states: "green," "yellow," and "red." The input events are time-based, with the light transitioning from green to yellow after a set amount of time, then from yellow to red, then back to green.

When the light transitions from one state to another, it triggers a set of actions. For example, when the light transitions from red to green, it triggers the action to turn on the green light and turn off the red light.


Another example of a state machine is an elevator. An elevator has several possible states, including "idle," "moving up," "moving down," "opening doors," and "closing doors." Input events include button presses from passengers and input from sensors that detect the position of the elevator and the state of the doors.

When an input event occurs, the state machine determines which transition to take and triggers a set of actions. For example, when a passenger presses the "up" button, the state machine transitions from "idle" to "moving up" and triggers the action to close the doors and start moving up.

Music player

Finally, let's look at an example of a state machine in the context of a music player. A music player has several possible states, including "playing," "paused," and "stopped." Input events include button presses from the user, network requests to play or pause the music, and changes to the audio file being played.

When an input event occurs, the state machine determines which transition to take and triggers a set of actions. For example, when the user presses the "pause" button, the state machine transitions from "playing" to "paused" and triggers the action to pause the audio stream.


In conclusion, state machines offer a powerful and flexible way to model the behavior of a system. By breaking down the system into a set of states and transitions, developers can more easily understand, maintain, and extend the system over time.

Whether you're building a traffic light, an elevator, or a music player, state machines can help you create efficient, robust, and error-free software. So why not give them a try and see what they can do for you?

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed