How State Machines Can Improve User Experience in Your Applications

If you're a software developer, you know how important user experience is for the success of your application. Users expect applications to be intuitive, responsive, and easy to use. But how do you achieve that? One technique that can help you improve user experience is the use of state machines.

What are state machines?

A state machine is a mathematical model that represents the behavior of a system. It is composed of a set of states, transitions between those states, and actions or behaviors associated with each state or transition. State machines can be used to model any type of system, from simple applications to complex systems like spacecraft control.

How do state machines work?

State machines can be divided into two types: finite state machines (FSM) and hierarchical state machines (HSM). A finite state machine is a machine that has a finite number of states and inputs, and the output depends only on the input and the current state. An HSM, on the other hand, is a machine that has a hierarchical structure of states and sub-states.

At a high level, a state machine works by processing inputs and changing the state of the system. When a state is changed, the machine performs some action or behavior associated with that state. The machine continues to process inputs and change states until it reaches a terminal state or the input is complete.

How can state machines improve user experience?

State machines can improve user experience in several ways:

1. Reduced complexity

One of the main benefits of using state machines is that they can reduce the complexity of your application. By breaking down your application into a series of states and transitions, you can make it easier to understand and maintain. This can lead to fewer bugs and a better user experience.

2. Improved flow and navigation

State machines can also help you create better flow and navigation in your application. By representing the different states and transitions in your application, you can create a clear path for users to follow. This can make your application more intuitive and easier to use.

3. Better error handling

State machines can also improve the way your application handles errors. By representing error states and transitions in your application, you can make it easier for users to recover from errors and continue using your application. This can reduce the frustration that users feel when they encounter errors.

4. Greater consistency

Finally, state machines can help you create greater consistency in your application. By defining a set of states and transitions, you can ensure that your application behaves in a consistent manner. This can create a more polished and professional look and feel for your application.

Examples of state machines in action

To give you a better idea of how state machines can improve user experience, let's look at some examples of state machines in action.

1. Login screen

One common use of state machines is for login screens. A login screen is typically composed of three states: the initial state, where the user enters their username and password; the loading state, where the application verifies the credentials; and the authenticated state, where the user is granted access to the application.

By representing these states and transitions in a state machine, you can create a clear and intuitive login process that guides the user through each step.

2. E-commerce checkout

Another example of state machines in action is the e-commerce checkout process. The checkout process is typically composed of several states, such as the initial state, where the user enters their shipping and billing information; the payment state, where the user enters their payment information; and the confirmation state, where the user confirms their purchase.

By representing these states and transitions in a state machine, you can create a flow that guides the user through each step of the checkout process, reducing the likelihood of errors or confusion.

3. Game mechanics

State machines can also be used to model game mechanics. For example, in a platformer game, the player might have several states, such as the initial state, where the player is standing still; the running state, where the player is running in a specific direction; and the jumping state, where the player is jumping to avoid obstacles.

By representing these states and transitions in a state machine, you can create a more responsive and intuitive game experience that allows the player to focus on the gameplay itself.

How to implement state machines in your application

Implementing state machines in your application can be a bit tricky, especially if you're not familiar with the concept. However, there are several libraries and frameworks that can help you get started.

1. XState

XState is a JavaScript library for creating state machines. It provides a declarative syntax for defining states, transitions, and actions. XState can be used in any JavaScript environment, including React, Vue, and Angular.

2. Redux

Redux is a JavaScript library for managing state in your application. It can also be used to implement state machines by representing each state as a Redux store and each transition as a Redux action.

3. Statecharts

Statecharts is a visual language for describing state machines. It provides a graphical interface for designing state machines and generating code in several programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, and C#.


State machines are a powerful tool for improving the user experience in your application. By representing the behavior of your application as a set of states and transitions, you can create a more intuitive and responsive user experience that reduces the likelihood of errors or confusion. Whether you're building a simple login screen or a complex game, state machines can help you create a better user experience. So why not give them a try?

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed