Top 10 State Machine Examples in Real-World Applications

Are you curious about how state machines are used in real-world applications? Do you want to know how state machines can simplify complex processes and improve efficiency? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the top 10 state machine examples in real-world applications.

1. Traffic Light Control System

Have you ever wondered how traffic lights work? A traffic light control system is a perfect example of a state machine. The system has three states: green, yellow, and red. The green state allows traffic to flow, the yellow state warns drivers to slow down, and the red state stops traffic. The system transitions between these states based on predefined rules and inputs from sensors.

2. Vending Machine

Have you ever used a vending machine? A vending machine is another example of a state machine. The machine has several states, such as idle, waiting for coins, dispensing, and out of stock. The machine transitions between these states based on user inputs and the availability of products.

3. Elevator Control System

Have you ever wondered how elevators work? An elevator control system is a complex state machine that manages the movement of elevators in a building. The system has several states, such as idle, moving up, moving down, and stopping. The system transitions between these states based on user inputs and the availability of elevators.

4. Washing Machine

Have you ever used a washing machine? A washing machine is another example of a state machine. The machine has several states, such as idle, filling, washing, rinsing, and spinning. The machine transitions between these states based on user inputs and the completion of each cycle.

5. Microwave Oven

Have you ever used a microwave oven? A microwave oven is another example of a state machine. The oven has several states, such as idle, cooking, and finished. The oven transitions between these states based on user inputs and the completion of the cooking cycle.

6. Robot Control System

Have you ever seen a robot in action? A robot control system is a complex state machine that manages the movement and actions of a robot. The system has several states, such as idle, moving, picking up, and dropping off. The system transitions between these states based on predefined rules and inputs from sensors.

7. ATM Machine

Have you ever used an ATM machine? An ATM machine is another example of a state machine. The machine has several states, such as idle, waiting for card, waiting for PIN, and dispensing cash. The machine transitions between these states based on user inputs and the availability of cash.

8. Game AI

Have you ever played a video game? Game AI is a complex state machine that manages the behavior of non-player characters (NPCs) in a game. The system has several states, such as idle, moving, attacking, and retreating. The system transitions between these states based on predefined rules and inputs from the player.

9. HVAC Control System

Have you ever wondered how your HVAC system works? An HVAC control system is a state machine that manages the temperature and airflow in a building. The system has several states, such as idle, heating, cooling, and fan only. The system transitions between these states based on user inputs and the temperature sensors.

10. Traffic Management System

Have you ever been stuck in traffic? A traffic management system is a state machine that manages the flow of traffic on a road network. The system has several states, such as normal flow, congestion, and accidents. The system transitions between these states based on inputs from sensors and traffic cameras.


State machines are used in a wide range of real-world applications to simplify complex processes and improve efficiency. From traffic lights to game AI, state machines are an essential part of modern technology. By understanding how state machines work, we can design better systems and improve our daily lives.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed