How to Implement a State Machine in Your Code

Are you tired of writing code that is difficult to maintain and debug? Do you want to improve the reliability and efficiency of your software? If so, then it's time to learn about state machines!

State machines are a powerful tool for organizing complex logic in your code. They allow you to break down your program into a series of states, each with its own set of rules and behaviors. By implementing a state machine, you can simplify your code, reduce bugs, and improve performance.

In this article, we'll explore what state machines are, how they work, and how you can implement them in your code. We'll cover the basics of state machines, as well as more advanced topics like state transitions, event handling, and error handling. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of state machines and be ready to start using them in your own projects.

What is a State Machine?

At its core, a state machine is a mathematical model that describes the behavior of a system. It consists of a set of states, each with its own set of rules and behaviors, and a set of transitions between those states. The state machine starts in an initial state, and as events occur, it transitions from one state to another.

State machines are used to model a wide range of systems, from simple vending machines to complex software applications. They are particularly useful for systems that have a large number of states and transitions, as they provide a structured way to organize and manage that complexity.

How Do State Machines Work?

At a high level, state machines work by processing events and transitioning between states based on the rules defined for each state. When an event occurs, the state machine checks the current state to see if it can handle the event. If it can, it performs any necessary actions and transitions to a new state. If it can't, it either ignores the event or raises an error.

To implement a state machine in your code, you'll need to define the states, transitions, and events that make up your system. You'll also need to define the rules and behaviors for each state, as well as any actions that should be taken when transitioning between states.

Implementing a State Machine in Your Code

Now that we've covered the basics of state machines, let's dive into how you can implement one in your code. We'll start with a simple example and then build up to more complex scenarios.

Example 1: A Simple Vending Machine

Let's start with a simple example: a vending machine. A vending machine has a set of states (e.g. "idle", "dispensing", "out of stock") and a set of transitions between those states (e.g. "insert coin", "select product", "dispense product").

To implement a state machine for a vending machine, we'll start by defining the states and transitions:

class VendingMachine:
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = "idle"

    def insert_coin(self):
        if self.state == "idle":
            self.state = "coin inserted"
            raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")

    def select_product(self):
        if self.state == "coin inserted":
            self.state = "product selected"
            raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")

    def dispense_product(self):
        if self.state == "product selected":
            self.state = "idle"
            raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")

In this example, we've defined three methods: insert_coin, select_product, and dispense_product. Each method checks the current state of the vending machine and transitions to a new state if the transition is valid. If the transition is invalid, it raises a ValueError.

We can now use this state machine to control the behavior of a vending machine:

vending_machine = VendingMachine()

In this example, we've created a new VendingMachine object and used its methods to simulate the behavior of a vending machine. We've inserted a coin, selected a product, and dispensed the product. Each method checks the current state of the vending machine and transitions to a new state if the transition is valid.

Example 2: A Traffic Light

Let's move on to a more complex example: a traffic light. A traffic light has a set of states (e.g. "green", "yellow", "red") and a set of transitions between those states (e.g. "green to yellow", "yellow to red", "red to green").

To implement a state machine for a traffic light, we'll start by defining the states and transitions:

class TrafficLight:
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = "green"

    def change_state(self):
        if self.state == "green":
            self.state = "yellow"
        elif self.state == "yellow":
            self.state = "red"
        elif self.state == "red":
            self.state = "green"
            raise ValueError("Invalid state")

    def run(self):
        while True:
            if self.state == "green":
            elif self.state == "yellow":
                print("Slow down")
            elif self.state == "red":

In this example, we've defined a TrafficLight class with two methods: change_state and run. The change_state method transitions the traffic light to the next state, and the run method simulates the behavior of a traffic light by printing messages and sleeping for a certain amount of time.

We can now use this state machine to simulate the behavior of a traffic light:

traffic_light = TrafficLight()

In this example, we've created a new TrafficLight object and called its run method. The run method simulates the behavior of a traffic light by printing messages and sleeping for a certain amount of time. The traffic light transitions between states based on the rules defined in the change_state method.

Example 3: A User Authentication System

Let's move on to a more complex example: a user authentication system. A user authentication system has a set of states (e.g. "logged out", "logging in", "logged in") and a set of transitions between those states (e.g. "log in", "log out").

To implement a state machine for a user authentication system, we'll start by defining the states and transitions:

class UserAuthenticationSystem:
    def __init__(self):
        self.state = "logged out"

    def log_in(self):
        if self.state == "logged out":
            self.state = "logging in"
            # Show login form
            raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")

    def submit_login(self, username, password):
        if self.state == "logging in":
            if authenticate_user(username, password):
                self.state = "logged in"
                # Show dashboard
                self.state = "logged out"
                # Show error message
            raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")

    def log_out(self):
        if self.state == "logged in":
            self.state = "logged out"
            # Show login form
            raise ValueError("Invalid state transition")

In this example, we've defined four methods: log_in, submit_login, log_out, and authenticate_user. The log_in method transitions the user authentication system to the "logging in" state, the submit_login method authenticates the user and transitions the system to the "logged in" state if successful, and the log_out method transitions the system to the "logged out" state.

We can now use this state machine to control the behavior of a user authentication system:

user_authentication_system = UserAuthenticationSystem()
user_authentication_system.submit_login("username", "password")

In this example, we've created a new UserAuthenticationSystem object and used its methods to simulate the behavior of a user authentication system. We've logged in, submitted a login form, and logged out. Each method checks the current state of the system and transitions to a new state if the transition is valid.


State machines are a powerful tool for organizing complex logic in your code. They allow you to break down your program into a series of states, each with its own set of rules and behaviors. By implementing a state machine, you can simplify your code, reduce bugs, and improve performance.

In this article, we've covered the basics of state machines, as well as more advanced topics like state transitions, event handling, and error handling. We've also provided examples of how to implement state machines in your code, from simple vending machines to complex user authentication systems.

If you're interested in learning more about state machines, be sure to check out our website, We provide a wealth of resources on state machines, including tutorials, examples, and tools to help you implement state machines in your own projects. With state machines, you can take your code to the next level and build more reliable and efficient software.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed