State machines in game development: A case study

As a game developer, you are always on the lookout for ways to improve your workflow, reduce development time, and make your games more polished and engaging. One tool that can help you achieve these goals is state machines.

In this article, we will take a closer look at state machines, how they work, and how they can be used in game development. We will also provide a case study to demonstrate how state machines can enhance game development.

What are State Machines?

Simply put, a state machine is a model of computation, which is represented by a finite set of states and transitions between states. These states and transitions are defined by a set of rules known as a state diagram, which determines how the machine behaves at various times during its operation.

In game development, state machines are used to represent various aspects of gameplay, such as the behavior of non-player characters (NPCs), the user interface (UI) elements, and the overall game state. By breaking down gameplay into discrete states, it becomes much easier to manage the game's complexity and ensure that all player interactions are properly processed and responded to by the game engine.

How Do State Machines Work?

At their core, state machines are based on a set of states and transitions between them. These states can be thought of as individual game elements or behaviors, such as "player running," "player jumping," "player attacking," "player waiting," and so on.

The transitions between these states are triggered by specific events, such as the player pressing a button, an NPC completing a task, or a timer expiring. When a transition is triggered, the machine moves from its current state to the target state, and an associated set of actions and behaviors is executed by the game engine.

Perhaps the best way to understand state machines is through a visual representation of the state diagram, which provides a clear and easy-to-understand overview of the machine's behavior. Here's an example of a simple state diagram for a game character:

State Machine Diagram

In this example, the player character can be in one of three states: "Idle," "Run," or "Jump." When the player presses the "Jump" button, the machine transitions from the "Run" state to the "Jump" state, and the character performs a jumping animation until the next event triggers a new transition.

How Can State Machines Be Used in Game Development?

State machines have many practical applications in game development. Perhaps the most obvious is in representing the behavior of NPCs, which often require complex logic and decision-making capabilities. By breaking down NPC behavior into separate states and transitions, developers can create more robust and realistic non-player characters that respond to player actions in a more natural and believable manner.

Here are a few additional ways that state machines can be used in game development:

Case Study: State Machines in Action

To better understand how state machines can be used in game development, let's take a look at a real-world example. In this case study, we will explore how state machines were used to create a simple side-scrolling arcade game.

The game has the following specifications:

Here's how state machines were used to develop this game:

Character State Machine

The character state machine represents the various states that the player character can be in during gameplay. Here's a diagram of the state machine:

Character State Machine Diagram

As you can see, the character state machine has six states: "Idle," "Move," "Jump," "Double Jump," "Attack," and "Dead." When the player initiates an action, such as moving left, the machine transitions from its current state to the appropriate state (in this case, the "Move" state), and the character begins moving left until the player triggers a different state.

The character state machine also handles collision detection between the player and enemies, power-ups, and other game elements. For example, if the player collides with an enemy while in the "Attack" state, the machine transitions to the "Idle" state and subtracts a life from the player's total.

Enemy State Machine

The enemy state machine represents the behavior of standard and boss enemies throughout the game. Here's a diagram of the state machine:

Enemy State Machine Diagram

As you can see, the enemy state machine has three states: "Patrol," "Attack," and "Dead." When the player is within range of an enemy, the machine transitions to the "Attack" state, and the enemy begins moving in the player's direction until it collides with the player or another obstacle.

The enemy state machine also handles collision detection between enemies and the player, as well as other game elements. For example, if an enemy collides with a power-up, the machine transitions to the appropriate state (e.g. "Speed Up" state) and updates the enemy's behavior accordingly.

UI State Machine

The UI state machine manages the various UI elements in the game, such as the opening menu, pause menu, and game over screen. Here's a diagram of the state machine:

UI State Machine Diagram

As you can see, the UI state machine has four states: "Opening Menu," "Gameplay," "Pause Menu," and "Game Over." When the game starts, the machine transitions from the "Opening Menu" state to the "Gameplay" state, and the player can begin playing the game. If the player pauses the game, the machine transitions to the "Pause Menu" state, and the game is temporarily suspended until the player resumes.

Once the player runs out of lives, the machine transitions to the "Game Over" state, and the game is reset to the opening menu.


As you can see, state machines are a powerful tool in game development, allowing developers to break down complex gameplay into discrete states and transitions. By using state machines, developers can create more robust and realistic game elements, such as NPCs, UI elements, and game states.

In addition, state machines can help streamline game development workflow, reducing development time and improving overall game quality.

We hope that this article has provided valuable insights into the world of state machines and their applications in game development. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please visit our website at

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed