State Machines vs. Traditional Programming Techniques

Are you tired of writing code that is difficult to maintain and debug? Do you want to write code that is more modular, easier to understand, and less error-prone? If so, then you need to learn about state machines!

State machines are a powerful tool for designing and implementing complex systems. They provide a way to model the behavior of a system in a clear and concise way, making it easier to reason about and modify. In this article, we will explore the differences between state machines and traditional programming techniques, and why you should consider using state machines in your next project.

What are State Machines?

A state machine is a mathematical model of a system that describes its behavior as a set of states and transitions between those states. In other words, a state machine is a way to represent the behavior of a system as a series of steps, where each step depends on the current state of the system.

State machines are used in a wide variety of applications, from simple vending machines to complex software systems. They are particularly useful for modeling systems that have a lot of different states and transitions between those states, such as user interfaces, network protocols, and game engines.

Traditional Programming Techniques

Before we dive into the benefits of state machines, let's first take a look at traditional programming techniques. In traditional programming, we write code that executes a series of instructions in a linear fashion. For example, consider the following code:

if (x > 0) {
    y = x * 2;
} else {
    y = x / 2;

This code checks if x is greater than zero, and if it is, it multiplies x by 2 and assigns the result to y. If x is not greater than zero, it divides x by 2 and assigns the result to y.

While this code is simple and easy to understand, it can become difficult to maintain and debug as the complexity of the system increases. As the number of states and transitions in the system grows, it becomes harder to keep track of all the different paths through the code.

Benefits of State Machines

So, why should you consider using state machines in your next project? Here are just a few of the benefits:


State machines are inherently modular, which means that they can be broken down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Each state in a state machine represents a specific behavior or action, and the transitions between those states represent the conditions under which those behaviors or actions occur.

This modularity makes it easier to reason about the behavior of the system, and it also makes it easier to modify the system as requirements change. Instead of having to modify a large, monolithic block of code, you can simply modify the state machine to add or remove states and transitions.


State machines provide a clear and concise way to model the behavior of a system. By breaking the system down into a series of states and transitions, you can more easily understand how the system works and how it responds to different inputs.

This clarity also makes it easier to communicate the behavior of the system to others, such as stakeholders or other developers. Instead of having to explain a complex series of if-else statements, you can simply show them the state machine diagram and explain how it works.


State machines are less error-prone than traditional programming techniques. Because each state in a state machine represents a specific behavior or action, it is easier to ensure that the system behaves correctly under all conditions.

For example, consider a user interface that has several different states, such as "idle", "loading", and "error". If you were to implement this interface using traditional programming techniques, you would need to write a lot of if-else statements to handle all the different states and transitions between those states.

However, if you were to implement this interface using a state machine, you could simply define the different states and transitions, and the state machine would ensure that the system behaves correctly under all conditions.


State machines are easier to test than traditional programming techniques. Because each state in a state machine represents a specific behavior or action, it is easier to write tests that ensure that the system behaves correctly under all conditions.

For example, consider a network protocol that has several different states, such as "connected", "disconnected", and "error". If you were to implement this protocol using traditional programming techniques, you would need to write a lot of tests to ensure that the system behaves correctly under all conditions.

However, if you were to implement this protocol using a state machine, you could simply define the different states and transitions, and write tests that ensure that the system behaves correctly under all conditions.

State Machines in Practice

So, how do you actually use state machines in practice? There are several different tools and libraries available for implementing state machines in various programming languages.

One popular tool for implementing state machines is XState, a JavaScript library for creating and managing state machines. XState provides a simple and intuitive API for defining state machines, and it also includes a powerful visualizer for debugging and testing state machines.

Another popular tool for implementing state machines is Stateflow, a graphical programming environment for designing and simulating state machines. Stateflow is particularly useful for designing complex systems that have a lot of different states and transitions between those states.


State machines are a powerful tool for designing and implementing complex systems. They provide a clear and concise way to model the behavior of a system, making it easier to reason about and modify. By using state machines in your next project, you can write code that is more modular, easier to understand, and less error-prone.

So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of state machines today and see how they can help you build better software!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed